6th Avenue
I walked 6th Avenue today, about 8 miles, but 2.5 of them were through Central Park, so they didn't count toward the total.

Today's walk
6th Avenue is known as both Lenox Avenue (for philanthropist James Lenox) and Malcom X Blvd. above Central Park, where it runs from 147th St. to 110th St. through Harlem, passing many current and former landmarks.
Below Central Park, 6th Avenue runs from 59th St. in Midtown to White St. in Greenwich Village. An elevated passenger railway was built along 6th Avenue in the 1870's, depressing the value of nearby property and stymieing development. The railway was torn down in 1938 to make way for the 6th Avenue Subway line (the B, D, F, and M trains), and over the coming years it was alleged that the scrap steel was sold to Japan and subsequently made into armaments used in WWII. While this was never conclusively proven, it was never conclusively dis-proven either.
6th Avenue was formally renamed "Avenue of the Americas" in 1945 at the request of Mayor LaGuardia. LaGuardia hoped to encourage Central and South American countries to build consulates along the avenue, thereby fulfilling the dual goals of promoting pan-American trade and sprucing up a formerly gritty thoroughfare. The plan never really took off, although there are still signs along the street with the names and crests of Central and South American countries and statues honoring a number of their founders and statesmen.
Lenox Ave. at 147th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 145th St. and 144th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 141st St. and 140th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 141st St. and 140th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 137th St. and 136th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 133rd St. and 132nd St.
Lenox Ave. btw 133rd St. and 132nd St.
Lenox Ave. btw 127th St. and 126th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 127th St. and 126th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 125th St. and 124th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 123rd St. and 122nd St.
Lenox Ave. btw 123rd St. and 122nd St.
Lenox Ave. btw 123rd St. and 122nd St.
Lenox Ave. btw 122nd St. and 121st St.
Lenox Ave. btw 121st St. and 120th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 120th St. and 119th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 120th St. and 119th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 119th St. and 118th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 115th St. and 114th St.
Lenox Ave. btw 113th St. and 112th St.
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
6th Ave. btw 59th St. and 58th St.
6th Ave. btw 53rd St. and 52nd St.
6th Ave. btw 52nd St. and 51st St.
6th Ave. btw 50th St. and 49th St.
6th Ave. btw 50th St. and 49th St.
6th Ave. btw 50th St. and 49th St.
6th Ave. btw 49th St. and 48th St.
6th Ave. btw 45th St. and 44th St.
6th Ave. btw 44th St. and 43rd St.
6th Ave. btw 43rd St. and 42nd St.
6th Ave. btw 42nd St. and 40th St.
6th Ave. btw 42nd St. and 40th St.
6th Ave. btw 39th St. and 38th St.
6th Ave. btw 36th St. and 35th St.
6th Ave. btw 35th St. and 34th St.
6th Ave. btw 28th St. and 27th St.
6th Ave. btw 24th St. and 23rd St.
6th Ave. btw 23rd St. and 22nd St.
6th Ave. btw 22nd St. and 21st St.
6th Ave. btw 22nd St. and 21st St.
6th Ave. btw 19th St. and 18th St.
6th Ave. btw 19th St. and 18th St.
6th Ave. btw 18th St. and 17th St.
6th Ave. btw 10th St. and 9th St.
6th Ave. btw 10th St. and 9th St.
6th Ave. btw 8th St. and Waverly Pl.
6th Ave. btw Waverly Pl.and Washington Pl.
6th Ave. btw Waverly Pl.and Washington Pl.
6th Ave. btw Washington Pl. and W. 4th St.
6th Ave. btw Washington Pl. and W. 4th St.
6th Ave. btw Bleeker St. and Houston St.
6th Ave. btw Charlton St. and Vandam St.
6th Ave. btw Spring St. and Dominick St.
6th Ave. btw Watts St. and Grand St.
6th Ave. btw Grand St. and Canal St.
6th Ave. btw Walker St. and White St.