East Harlem (El Barrio)
I moved a little uptown for my second walk into East Harlem, also called Spanish Harlem or "El Barrio." The neighborhood is largely Latino (Puerto Rican especially). I had never been to this part of the island, and since my first walk was in familiar territory, I decided to try something new.
I started at W. 116th and Lenox Ave. and walked between there and the East River down to W. 111th (approx. 4.5 miles). This didn't end up being a long a walk as I had originally envisioned. I didn't realize it going in, but a group of large housing projects lie along what would have otherwise been W. 114th and W. 113th (so those streets weren't there to walk). Also, it got cold and started to rain, so I bagged it when I got to back to the subway at W 111th.
Today's Walk (Updated 05/07/2014
I didn't try for any themes on the walk, and since it wasn't very long there weren't many pictures. It was interesting though.
05/07/2014 UPDATE: So today after work I planned on doing a walk of 116th - 110th west of Lenox Ave. However, I forgot to put a memory card back in the camera, so I just did the rest of 110th and called it a night.